When a Title IX violation is reported, it is vital that the reporting party be in control of their decisions. Though Ashland University encourages all reporting parties to utilize all support methods available to them, including the resources described below, the reporting party will not be pressured regarding any decision to be made. These resources are available to reporting parties at all times, whether they choose to utilize them at the time of the initial report or not.

The University Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators identified in this Policy may assist with the contact and implementation of any or all resources. Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators may assist students, staff and faculty of Ashland University and online students at Ashland University with using campus resources and/or seeking assistance from law enforcement, rape crisis and domestic violence shelters and hospitals. They may also assist students, staff and faculty at institutions outside of Ashland, Ohio in the same manner and/or seek assistance from their respective city institutions.

Responsible Employees

Generally, all employees are considered "responsible employees" and are required to report any Title IX violations where the reporting party is known. These professionals are uniquely trained to receive, process and relay all Title IX violations to the Title IX Coordinator:

Confidential Resources

The professionals listed below are required to keep the information provided by reporting parties confidential. The following circumstances are exceptions to this rule:

  • The reporting party gives explicit permission for information to be shared.
  • Information is requested through the courts or other legal subpoena.
  • A person relevant to the information provided presents a clear and present danger to themselves or others.

In addition to these exceptions, Ohio State Law crime statistics are supplied to the Ashland University Clery Act Compliance Officer by these staff for compliance with federal crime reporting requirements.

Ashland / Ashland County Resources

Mansfield / Richland County Resources

State Resources

Other Resources

Contact Information